$49.95 USD
cPanel Server Management
New server setup
Server security and hardening
Optimization of servers
Complete server migration
Investigation for hacked servers
Account transfers
$299.99 USD
Proactive Server Management
Level 1 cPanel Support
8×5 Support
Dedicated Tech
Certified Technicians
Helpdesk Support
7 Day Free Trial
Linux(cPanel/WHM) Experts
$9.95 USD
cPanel Server Monitoring
24x7x365 (5 minute interval) Server Monitoring with Reboot
Our response time is Guaranteed 30 minutes.
$30.00 USD
cPanel Server Combo
cPanel server management and Server Security.
$24.95 USD

cPanel Server Hardening and Security
Securer Your server and better performing.
$74.95 USD
solusvm Server Management
New server setup
Server security and hardening
Optimization of servers
Complete server migration
VM transfers
$35.00 USD
VMware Server Management
Setup New Server
Create VM's
Transfer VM's
IP Management